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Richa Handa, MD

Doctor Category: Internal Medicine
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San Joaquin County Clinics




1 Review on “Richa Handa, MD”

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  • Tiffany m Kipikasha Post author

    ok so i was seeing this dr for a while and all was well, but then it came time to get a refill at the pharmacy (of which i had 3) and they couldn’t fill it without her approval.. so that took A MONTH for her to get back to them THEN i call today to schedule an appt with her and they are like , oh no you cant because she is leaving . .. im like, “ok, for the day? give me a diff day” lady says-” no she’s leaving for good” so wait- i wasn’t told im getting a diff doctor or anything.. no referring my case to someone else just- BYE… im so mad right now.. i had things going on with her that i needed finished.. like who just dumps a patient without a word…

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